Kalispell Scrimmage
RoboScout Squad will be hosting an FTC Scrimmage on Saturday 11/11/2023.

Check in at 10:00am and inspection starts at 11:00am
Matches start 12:30pm
Kalispell, MT:  Location TBD

Space will be limited, but we need to gauge interest.  Please help out the planning committee by filling out the form.

Volunteers needed. If any attending teams have willing volunteers along, please let us know. 

If you have more than 1 team, please fill out the form for each team.

All teams need to be registered with FIRST with at least 2 confirmed and background checked coaches before registering for the scrimmage.
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Email *
Team Name *
Team Number *
Is your team be interested in traveling to the Kalispell Scrimmage on Saturday, November 11, 2023? *
Thank you!  We'll be in touch soon about event specifics and scrimmage registration. For more information reach out to RoboScout Squad at roboscoutsquad@gmail.com
How many students are on your team?
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